In 2008 we firmly established Business Storytelling in The Netherlands through the standard work Storytelling Handboek. We have helped thousands of organizations and professionals achieve their goals through the connecting power of stories ever since.
You too can use the power of Business Storytelling to avoid resistance to change, to communicate in a connecting and effective way, both internally and externally, and to become a connected leader who inspires action.

We’re very proud to announce that our most recent book, Storylistening (available in Dutch) has been selected for the Dutch shortlist for Managementbook of the year 2021!
We strongly believe that listening always preceeds telling. And that storylistening gives organizations and leaders essential and indispensible insight into the so called undercurrant: experiences, perceptions and emotions of employees, customers, clients, patients and any other relations.
Why business storytelling?
Annet Scheringa The Story Connection

Customers’ experiences

TheStoryConnection worked for (among others):